
5 - 7 years Kick-Box Youth. STINGRAYS (8/10)
with Jack

March 25 (Tuesday)
at 3:30 pm

Class length
30 minutes

Basement Box

Kickboxing in Devonport, come join the 'Stingrays"! 

Our team of qualified Personal Trainers and Boxing Instructors provide a supportive class tailored for new, young kickboxers. 
This non-competition, no-body contact class incorporates basic skills-training, bag-work and numerous fitness and footwork drills, excellent to give them the grounding foundations for all sports. We encourage advanced teen students to assist instructors to add connection, role-modeling and excitement to their martial arts training. 
This class is part of a series.
You may also sign up for the entire series of classes: 5 - 7 years Kick-Box Youth. STINGRAYS


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