
5 - 7 years Kick-Box Youth. STINGRAYS
February 4, 2025 April 8, 2025
with Jack

Total # of Classes

Class length
30 minutes

Basement Box

Kickboxing in Devonport, come join the 'Stingrays"! 

Our team of qualified Personal Trainers and Boxing Instructors provide a supportive class tailored for new, young kickboxers. 
This non-competition, no-body contact class incorporates basic skills-training, bag-work and numerous fitness and footwork drills, excellent to give them the grounding foundations for all sports. We encourage advanced teen students to assist instructors to add connection, role-modeling and excitement to their martial arts training. 

The class takes place on...

You may also register for individual classes in this series by clicking a specific date above.


Note - This series has already started. You ARE allowed to book, and will be booked into the next class starting on Mar 11, 2025

Click the button below to purchase this class series. You will be registered to attend all the classes in the series.

5 - 7 years Kick-Box Youth. STINGRAYS (Ticket)



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